The sport of powerlifting is an interesting one.
You’re basically there to lift as much weight as safely possible while trying to look cool in a singlet.
I was recently asked, “As a coach, are you allowed to shout last-second instructions?”
“Well, technically, sure. But there aren’t any last-second surprises coming from the barbell.”
There is no “opponent” in the traditional sense, but doing battle with the unconquerable forces of gravity will put your mettle to the test.
Learning Through Lifting
I have the pleasure of training people for a variety of goals, but maximal strength is probably my favorite.
Apart from the obvious (though often misunderstood) physical benefits, lifting and competing bring people face-to-face with their own raw potential, and with others chasing the same target.
The “Battle on the Border” 2016 was another fantastic meet put on by the USAPL.
Here are some take-aways from the Charlotte Kettlebell Powerlifting Team with commentary by Coach Z…
“Have fun and get to know and encourage the other lifters who are competing. I have never experienced the kind of camaraderie at an event that I saw this past weekend. Being part of a team amongst a larger group of such encouraging lifters made the day so memorable. And I have found that when I have fun, I lift better. I think that someone much wiser than me has told me that on more than one occasion.” – Tracy Cook
Lesson: While you should always take your goals and training seriously, your performance is maximized in a light-hearted “flow state.”
“My biggest take away was probably not to let the number get in your head. My body is capable as long as my mind stays focused. Also strong people have strong hearts. Everyone there showed each other love and support which was awesome to see in a setting that people may assume would be intimidating and competitive.” – Jordan Gomez
“Biggest takeaway is I need to focus on everything I have learned and let my body do what it knows how to do. I have also learned that CKB is the best family ever! The support and momentum that we have helps me feel more confident.” – Cindy Amatuzzo
Lesson: When the pressure is on, your mind and body will revert to your training, so trust it.
“There’s always someone stronger, just focus on you and your goals.” – Robbie Geyer
Lesson: Respect the fact that some people have simply spent many more years in the gym, yet no one’s accomplishments diminish your own.
“Be proud of the work put in everyday rather than just the outcome.” – Claire Thomson
Lesson: The cliché is true – it’s about the journey.
“Your set up and your confidence are two of the biggest factors that can either hinder or enhance your lift. You must be confident in the lift prior to hitting the platform, the mind controls the body and if the mind is not confident, the body will not be able to perform. Taking adequate time to set up and clearing your mind to only focus on the task at hand is monumental to handling the weight and not allowing it to over power you.” – Meghan Bradsher
Lesson: Training with creative visualization will give you the mental and physical edge when it counts.
If you’re interested in powerlifting, but don’t live in the Charlotte, NC area, click here for details on my online coaching program.